Are you looking to buy a high handlebar online? Visit SpacioBiker to buy high handlebars and other motorcycle accessories online.



Final price


- Largo: 90.5cm
- Alto: 28cm
- Fondo: 19.5


Disponible en negro y cromo



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Final price
Shipping time15 working days


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As you probably know SpacioBiker, after 17 years of great dedication to the Custom World has reached the end of a stage of its route and gives the baton to Iguana Custom. From Iguana Custom we hope to be up to the task and continue its work as best as possible. Currently all online product sales are made through the website of Iguana Custom. If you are interested in this product click on the tab "SEND US YOUR QUESTION" below, fill in the form fields and send it. We will contact you as soon as possible so you can buy it or solve any doubt you may have. You can also access the Iguana Custom website and look for the product there. If you can't find it, send us an e-mail to info@iguanacustom.com or a Whatsapp and we will contact you as soon as possible.

Add to my wishlist
As you probably know SpacioBiker, after 17 years of great dedication to the Custom World has reached the end of a stage of its route and gives the baton to Iguana Custom. From Iguana Custom we hope to be up to the task and continue its work as best as possible. Currently all online product sales are made through the website of Iguana Custom. If you are interested in this product click on the tab "SEND US YOUR QUESTION" below, fill in the form fields and send it. We will contact you as soon as possible so you can buy it or solve any doubt you may have. You can also access the Iguana Custom website and look for the product there. If you can't find it, send us an e-mail to info@iguanacustom.com or a Whatsapp and we will contact you as soon as possible.


- Largo: 90.5cm
- Alto: 28cm
- Fondo: 19.5


Disponible en negro y cromo



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- Largo: 90.5cm
- Alto: 28cm
- Fondo: 19.5


Disponible en negro y cromo



Send us your question

PREGUNTA: Buenas, ¿Este manillar esta homologado? Gracias!

RESPUESTA: Estimado cliente, le informamos que los manillares no estan homologados, para pasar la ITV tendrá que realizar la homologación del montaje de cualquier manillar en su motocicleta con un ingeniero. Reciba un cordial saludo. SPACIOBIKER


    PREGUNTA: Hola,quisiera saber si el grueso del manillar es de 25.4, son para los puños custom de 25.4 y el fondo es el ancho de las tijas. Gracias.

    RESPUESTA: Estimado Jose. Los manilares de 25.4mm tienen el grosor necesari para instalar puños de 25.4mm. El fondo se refiere a la distancia que existe entre las torretas y la parte más cercana del manillar al conductor. Esperamos haberle servido de ayuda. Un saludo.

    Israel Peral



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      WAVE HANDLE 90.5CM

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      WAVE HANDLE 90.5CM

      Products we recommend

      WAVE HANDLE 90.5CM - SpacioBiker (Ahora Iguana Custom)


      Are you looking to buy a high handlebar online? Visit SpacioBiker to buy high handlebars and other motorcycle accessories online.

      WAVE HANDLE 90.5CM

      SKU. SPBK-

      Final price


      - Largo: 90.5cm
      - Alto: 28cm
      - Fondo: 19.5


      Disponible en negro y cromo



      + See more

      Final price
      Shipping time15 working days


      Add to my wishlist
      As you probably know SpacioBiker, after 17 years of great dedication to the Custom World has reached the end of a stage of its route and gives the baton to Iguana Custom. From Iguana Custom we hope to be up to the task and continue its work as best as possible. Currently all online product sales are made through the website of Iguana Custom. If you are interested in this product click on the tab "SEND US YOUR QUESTION" below, fill in the form fields and send it. We will contact you as soon as possible so you can buy it or solve any doubt you may have. You can also access the Iguana Custom website and look for the product there. If you can't find it, send us an e-mail to info@iguanacustom.com or a Whatsapp and we will contact you as soon as possible.

      Add to my wishlist
      As you probably know SpacioBiker, after 17 years of great dedication to the Custom World has reached the end of a stage of its route and gives the baton to Iguana Custom. From Iguana Custom we hope to be up to the task and continue its work as best as possible. Currently all online product sales are made through the website of Iguana Custom. If you are interested in this product click on the tab "SEND US YOUR QUESTION" below, fill in the form fields and send it. We will contact you as soon as possible so you can buy it or solve any doubt you may have. You can also access the Iguana Custom website and look for the product there. If you can't find it, send us an e-mail to info@iguanacustom.com or a Whatsapp and we will contact you as soon as possible.


      - Largo: 90.5cm
      - Alto: 28cm
      - Fondo: 19.5


      Disponible en negro y cromo



      + See more


      - Largo: 90.5cm
      - Alto: 28cm
      - Fondo: 19.5


      Disponible en negro y cromo



      Send us your question

      PREGUNTA: Buenas, ¿Este manillar esta homologado? Gracias!

      RESPUESTA: Estimado cliente, le informamos que los manillares no estan homologados, para pasar la ITV tendrá que realizar la homologación del montaje de cualquier manillar en su motocicleta con un ingeniero. Reciba un cordial saludo. SPACIOBIKER


        PREGUNTA: Hola,quisiera saber si el grueso del manillar es de 25.4, son para los puños custom de 25.4 y el fondo es el ancho de las tijas. Gracias.

        RESPUESTA: Estimado Jose. Los manilares de 25.4mm tienen el grosor necesari para instalar puños de 25.4mm. El fondo se refiere a la distancia que existe entre las torretas y la parte más cercana del manillar al conductor. Esperamos haberle servido de ayuda. Un saludo.

        Israel Peral



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          WAVE HANDLE 90.5CM

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          WAVE HANDLE 90.5CM

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