

SKU. SPBK- 7083

Final price

Aimed at getting a better response and optimizing power delivery.

Dynojet carburetion system for models:

- YAMAHA XVS 650 DRAG STAR (97-03)

- YAMAHA XVS 650 CLASSIC (97-03)

This system will take full advantage of the performance potential of your Yamaha XVS Drag Star.

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Final price
Shipping time15 working days


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As you probably know SpacioBiker, after 17 years of great dedication to the Custom World has reached the end of a stage of its route and gives the baton to Iguana Custom. From Iguana Custom we hope to be up to the task and continue its work as best as possible. Currently all online product sales are made through the website of Iguana Custom. If you are interested in this product click on the tab "SEND US YOUR QUESTION" below, fill in the form fields and send it. We will contact you as soon as possible so you can buy it or solve any doubt you may have. You can also access the Iguana Custom website and look for the product there. If you can't find it, send us an e-mail to or a Whatsapp and we will contact you as soon as possible.

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As you probably know SpacioBiker, after 17 years of great dedication to the Custom World has reached the end of a stage of its route and gives the baton to Iguana Custom. From Iguana Custom we hope to be up to the task and continue its work as best as possible. Currently all online product sales are made through the website of Iguana Custom. If you are interested in this product click on the tab "SEND US YOUR QUESTION" below, fill in the form fields and send it. We will contact you as soon as possible so you can buy it or solve any doubt you may have. You can also access the Iguana Custom website and look for the product there. If you can't find it, send us an e-mail to or a Whatsapp and we will contact you as soon as possible.

Aimed at getting a better response and optimizing power delivery.

Dynojet carburetion system for models:

- YAMAHA XVS 650 DRAG STAR (97-03)

- YAMAHA XVS 650 CLASSIC (97-03)

This system will take full advantage of the performance potential of your Yamaha XVS Drag Star.

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Aimed at getting a better response and optimizing power delivery.

Dynojet carburetion system for models:

- YAMAHA XVS 650 DRAG STAR (97-03)

- YAMAHA XVS 650 CLASSIC (97-03)

This system will take full advantage of the performance potential of your Yamaha XVS Drag Star.

Send us your question

PREGUNTA. Hola tengo la 1100 i lleva el hypercharguer i escapes casi directos sin silenciador i me an dicho ke encesito un kit pero,que sea para esta configuracion seria este??

RESPUESTA. Estimado Luis. Le informamos que los kits de carburacion incluyen una aguja regulable y diferentes chicles de alta y baja para poder regular el carburador a las necesudades de cada motocicleta, por lo quie este kit de carburacion es valido para su motocicleta. Esperamos haberle sido de ayuda. Un Saludo. jose


    PREGUNTA:Perdonad la ignorancia, pero para que sirve realmente este kit?, tanto senota la diferencia?, se gana potencia?, si se pone escape...crei que era suficiente con carburar...

    RESPUESTA: Estimado Juan.Informarle que por experencia propia, le diriamos que ganara algo de potencia peo mucho mas en mejora del motor en general ademas del ahorro de combustible.Normalmente en motos con mas de 3-4 años es muy recomendable instalar este kit de carburacion.Esperamos haberle servido de ayuda.Un cordial saludo.Jesus Aguilar.SPACIOBIKER

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      Products we recommend

      KIT DYNOJET CARBURETION YAMAHA XVS650 DRAG STAR/CLASSIC 97-03 - SpacioBiker (Ahora Iguana Custom)


      SKU. SPBK- 7083

      Final price

      Aimed at getting a better response and optimizing power delivery.

      Dynojet carburetion system for models:

      - YAMAHA XVS 650 DRAG STAR (97-03)

      - YAMAHA XVS 650 CLASSIC (97-03)

      This system will take full advantage of the performance potential of your Yamaha XVS Drag Star.

      + See more

      Final price
      Shipping time15 working days


      Add to my wishlist
      As you probably know SpacioBiker, after 17 years of great dedication to the Custom World has reached the end of a stage of its route and gives the baton to Iguana Custom. From Iguana Custom we hope to be up to the task and continue its work as best as possible. Currently all online product sales are made through the website of Iguana Custom. If you are interested in this product click on the tab "SEND US YOUR QUESTION" below, fill in the form fields and send it. We will contact you as soon as possible so you can buy it or solve any doubt you may have. You can also access the Iguana Custom website and look for the product there. If you can't find it, send us an e-mail to or a Whatsapp and we will contact you as soon as possible.

      Add to my wishlist
      As you probably know SpacioBiker, after 17 years of great dedication to the Custom World has reached the end of a stage of its route and gives the baton to Iguana Custom. From Iguana Custom we hope to be up to the task and continue its work as best as possible. Currently all online product sales are made through the website of Iguana Custom. If you are interested in this product click on the tab "SEND US YOUR QUESTION" below, fill in the form fields and send it. We will contact you as soon as possible so you can buy it or solve any doubt you may have. You can also access the Iguana Custom website and look for the product there. If you can't find it, send us an e-mail to or a Whatsapp and we will contact you as soon as possible.

      Aimed at getting a better response and optimizing power delivery.

      Dynojet carburetion system for models:

      - YAMAHA XVS 650 DRAG STAR (97-03)

      - YAMAHA XVS 650 CLASSIC (97-03)

      This system will take full advantage of the performance potential of your Yamaha XVS Drag Star.

      + See more

      Aimed at getting a better response and optimizing power delivery.

      Dynojet carburetion system for models:

      - YAMAHA XVS 650 DRAG STAR (97-03)

      - YAMAHA XVS 650 CLASSIC (97-03)

      This system will take full advantage of the performance potential of your Yamaha XVS Drag Star.

      Send us your question

      PREGUNTA. Hola tengo la 1100 i lleva el hypercharguer i escapes casi directos sin silenciador i me an dicho ke encesito un kit pero,que sea para esta configuracion seria este??

      RESPUESTA. Estimado Luis. Le informamos que los kits de carburacion incluyen una aguja regulable y diferentes chicles de alta y baja para poder regular el carburador a las necesudades de cada motocicleta, por lo quie este kit de carburacion es valido para su motocicleta. Esperamos haberle sido de ayuda. Un Saludo. jose


        PREGUNTA:Perdonad la ignorancia, pero para que sirve realmente este kit?, tanto senota la diferencia?, se gana potencia?, si se pone escape...crei que era suficiente con carburar...

        RESPUESTA: Estimado Juan.Informarle que por experencia propia, le diriamos que ganara algo de potencia peo mucho mas en mejora del motor en general ademas del ahorro de combustible.Normalmente en motos con mas de 3-4 años es muy recomendable instalar este kit de carburacion.Esperamos haberle servido de ayuda.Un cordial saludo.Jesus Aguilar.SPACIOBIKER

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