

SKU. SPBK- 16688

Final price

Contact key for Harley Davidson from the years 1973 to 1990.

Valid for Harley Davidson models:

- FX from 1973 to 1990

- Sportster XL from 1975 to 1990.

Offers the key positions: OFF - ON - ON + LIGHT.

Replaces OEM 71425-77T / 70124-75.

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Final price
Shipping time10 working days


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As you probably know SpacioBiker, after 17 years of great dedication to the Custom World has reached the end of a stage of its route and gives the baton to Iguana Custom. From Iguana Custom we hope to be up to the task and continue its work as best as possible. Currently all online product sales are made through the website of Iguana Custom. If you are interested in this product click on the tab "SEND US YOUR QUESTION" below, fill in the form fields and send it. We will contact you as soon as possible so you can buy it or solve any doubt you may have. You can also access the Iguana Custom website and look for the product there. If you can't find it, send us an e-mail to info@iguanacustom.com or a Whatsapp and we will contact you as soon as possible.

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As you probably know SpacioBiker, after 17 years of great dedication to the Custom World has reached the end of a stage of its route and gives the baton to Iguana Custom. From Iguana Custom we hope to be up to the task and continue its work as best as possible. Currently all online product sales are made through the website of Iguana Custom. If you are interested in this product click on the tab "SEND US YOUR QUESTION" below, fill in the form fields and send it. We will contact you as soon as possible so you can buy it or solve any doubt you may have. You can also access the Iguana Custom website and look for the product there. If you can't find it, send us an e-mail to info@iguanacustom.com or a Whatsapp and we will contact you as soon as possible.

Contact key for Harley Davidson from the years 1973 to 1990.

Valid for Harley Davidson models:

- FX from 1973 to 1990

- Sportster XL from 1975 to 1990.

Offers the key positions: OFF - ON - ON + LIGHT.

Replaces OEM 71425-77T / 70124-75.

+ See more

Contact key for Harley Davidson from the years 1973 to 1990.

Valid for Harley Davidson models:

- FX from 1973 to 1990

- Sportster XL from 1975 to 1990.

Offers the key positions: OFF - ON - ON + LIGHT.

Replaces OEM 71425-77T / 70124-75.

Send us your question

PREGUNTA: Hola, me gustaría saber que modelo corresponde a mi sportster 883 N del 2009, gracias , un saludo.

RESPUESTA: Estimado cliente, puede ver el modelo que se adapta a su modelo de motocicleta pinchando AQUI. Reciba un cordial saludo. SPACIOBIKER


    PREGUNTA. Hola, por imagen puedo observar que es igual que el que tiene mi sporster 883 del año 2000. Me podéis confirmar si me valdría? Gracias

    RESPUESTA. Estimado Juan. le informamos que esta llave de contacto es valida para modelos sportsters comprendida entre los años 75 al 78. No obstante en el siguiente enlace podra ver el modelo de llave de contacto valido para modelos Sportsters del año 2000.


    Esperamos haberle sido de ayuda. Un saludo. Jose Osorio.www.spaciobiker.com


      PREGUNTA: Estimados Srs., Quisiera colocar este bombín de encendido en el coco del faro delantero. Por ello, quería saber si tiene una tapa enroscable que lo permita. Por otra parte también quisiera conocer la profundidad del mismo, es decir, lo que quedaría oculto por el coco. Muchas gracias por su atención

      RESPUESTA: Estimado Antonio. Le informamos que la LLAVE DE CONTACTO HARLEY DAVIDSON FX 73-90, SPORTSTER XL 75-90. se instala a presion, por lo que no dispone de ningun tipo de tapa a rosca. Las medidas de dicha llave de contacto no se especifica ya que se trata de un articulo especifico para un modelo y año comcreto.No obstante disponemos de una llave de contacto con sujeccion a rosca que puede ver pinchando AQUI. Comentarle que el fabricante no especifica dicha medida y este tipo de cerraduras se sirven bajo pedido por lo que no disponemos de ninguna en stock para poder facilitarle la medida. Esperamos haberle sido de ayuda. Un Saludo. Jose Osorio. www.spaciobiker.com

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        IGNITION HARLEY DAVIDSON 73-90 - SpacioBiker (Ahora Iguana Custom)


        SKU. SPBK- 16688

        Final price

        Contact key for Harley Davidson from the years 1973 to 1990.

        Valid for Harley Davidson models:

        - FX from 1973 to 1990

        - Sportster XL from 1975 to 1990.

        Offers the key positions: OFF - ON - ON + LIGHT.

        Replaces OEM 71425-77T / 70124-75.

        + See more

        Final price
        Shipping time10 working days


        Add to my wishlist
        As you probably know SpacioBiker, after 17 years of great dedication to the Custom World has reached the end of a stage of its route and gives the baton to Iguana Custom. From Iguana Custom we hope to be up to the task and continue its work as best as possible. Currently all online product sales are made through the website of Iguana Custom. If you are interested in this product click on the tab "SEND US YOUR QUESTION" below, fill in the form fields and send it. We will contact you as soon as possible so you can buy it or solve any doubt you may have. You can also access the Iguana Custom website and look for the product there. If you can't find it, send us an e-mail to info@iguanacustom.com or a Whatsapp and we will contact you as soon as possible.

        Add to my wishlist
        As you probably know SpacioBiker, after 17 years of great dedication to the Custom World has reached the end of a stage of its route and gives the baton to Iguana Custom. From Iguana Custom we hope to be up to the task and continue its work as best as possible. Currently all online product sales are made through the website of Iguana Custom. If you are interested in this product click on the tab "SEND US YOUR QUESTION" below, fill in the form fields and send it. We will contact you as soon as possible so you can buy it or solve any doubt you may have. You can also access the Iguana Custom website and look for the product there. If you can't find it, send us an e-mail to info@iguanacustom.com or a Whatsapp and we will contact you as soon as possible.

        Contact key for Harley Davidson from the years 1973 to 1990.

        Valid for Harley Davidson models:

        - FX from 1973 to 1990

        - Sportster XL from 1975 to 1990.

        Offers the key positions: OFF - ON - ON + LIGHT.

        Replaces OEM 71425-77T / 70124-75.

        + See more

        Contact key for Harley Davidson from the years 1973 to 1990.

        Valid for Harley Davidson models:

        - FX from 1973 to 1990

        - Sportster XL from 1975 to 1990.

        Offers the key positions: OFF - ON - ON + LIGHT.

        Replaces OEM 71425-77T / 70124-75.

        Send us your question

        PREGUNTA: Hola, me gustaría saber que modelo corresponde a mi sportster 883 N del 2009, gracias , un saludo.

        RESPUESTA: Estimado cliente, puede ver el modelo que se adapta a su modelo de motocicleta pinchando AQUI. Reciba un cordial saludo. SPACIOBIKER


          PREGUNTA. Hola, por imagen puedo observar que es igual que el que tiene mi sporster 883 del año 2000. Me podéis confirmar si me valdría? Gracias

          RESPUESTA. Estimado Juan. le informamos que esta llave de contacto es valida para modelos sportsters comprendida entre los años 75 al 78. No obstante en el siguiente enlace podra ver el modelo de llave de contacto valido para modelos Sportsters del año 2000.


          Esperamos haberle sido de ayuda. Un saludo. Jose Osorio.www.spaciobiker.com


            PREGUNTA: Estimados Srs., Quisiera colocar este bombín de encendido en el coco del faro delantero. Por ello, quería saber si tiene una tapa enroscable que lo permita. Por otra parte también quisiera conocer la profundidad del mismo, es decir, lo que quedaría oculto por el coco. Muchas gracias por su atención

            RESPUESTA: Estimado Antonio. Le informamos que la LLAVE DE CONTACTO HARLEY DAVIDSON FX 73-90, SPORTSTER XL 75-90. se instala a presion, por lo que no dispone de ningun tipo de tapa a rosca. Las medidas de dicha llave de contacto no se especifica ya que se trata de un articulo especifico para un modelo y año comcreto.No obstante disponemos de una llave de contacto con sujeccion a rosca que puede ver pinchando AQUI. Comentarle que el fabricante no especifica dicha medida y este tipo de cerraduras se sirven bajo pedido por lo que no disponemos de ninguna en stock para poder facilitarle la medida. Esperamos haberle sido de ayuda. Un Saludo. Jose Osorio. www.spaciobiker.com

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              IGNITION HARLEY DAVIDSON 73-90

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              IGNITION HARLEY DAVIDSON 73-90

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