SKU. SPBK- 69000
Now you can make the changes of engine oil, transmission and primary with any comfort with the complete change gear kit and Harley Sportsters 84-up chrome filter. Includes everything necessary for oil changes and an oil filter with chrome finish.
Perfect for the maintenance of your Sportsters.
This kit features a Spectro Heavy Duty 20W50 motor oil that incorporates advanced anti-wear and anti-carbon additive systems that extends the life of the engine's internal components, reduces wear and eliminates valve adhesion.
The complete oil change kit and Harley Sportsters 84-up chrome filter. Meets all known OEM warranty requirements. Exceeds A.P.I. SF / SG - CD / CG - 4.
Valid for Harley Davidson Sportsters models from 1984 to the present.
Note: The image shown may not match the advertised product.
If you are one of those who spend hours in your garage with your motorcycle, the complete oil change kit and Harley Sportsters 84-up chrome filter. It will be perfect to make oil changes in a simple way.
This product is not sold individually. You must select at least 1 quantity for this product.
Warning: Last items in stock!
Availability date:
Now you can make the changes of engine oil, transmission and primary with any comfort with the complete change gear kit and Harley Sportsters 84-up chrome filter. Includes everything necessary for oil changes and an oil filter with chrome finish.
Perfect for the maintenance of your Sportsters.
This kit features a Spectro Heavy Duty 20W50 motor oil that incorporates advanced anti-wear and anti-carbon additive systems that extends the life of the engine's internal components, reduces wear and eliminates valve adhesion.
The complete oil change kit and Harley Sportsters 84-up chrome filter. Meets all known OEM warranty requirements. Exceeds A.P.I. SF / SG - CD / CG - 4.
Valid for Harley Davidson Sportsters models from 1984 to the present.
Note: The image shown may not match the advertised product.
If you are one of those who spend hours in your garage with your motorcycle, the complete oil change kit and Harley Sportsters 84-up chrome filter. It will be perfect to make oil changes in a simple way.
Now you can make the changes of engine oil, transmission and primary with any comfort with the complete change gear kit and Harley Sportsters 84-up chrome filter. Includes everything necessary for oil changes and an oil filter with chrome finish.
Perfect for the maintenance of your Sportsters.
This kit features a Spectro Heavy Duty 20W50 motor oil that incorporates advanced anti-wear and anti-carbon additive systems that extends the life of the engine's internal components, reduces wear and eliminates valve adhesion.
The complete oil change kit and Harley Sportsters 84-up chrome filter. Meets all known OEM warranty requirements. Exceeds A.P.I. SF / SG - CD / CG - 4.
Valid for Harley Davidson Sportsters models from 1984 to the present.
Note: The image shown may not match the advertised product.
If you are one of those who spend hours in your garage with your motorcycle, the complete oil change kit and Harley Sportsters 84-up chrome filter. It will be perfect to make oil changes in a simple way.
PREGUNTA: Hola, tenéis el kit con el filtro negro? Y la botella hypoid gear para que sirve? Gracias
RESPUESTA: Estimado cliente es para la transmision. Ahora mismo no se encuentra disponible, ni en cromado ni en negro, podemos volver a mirar disponibilidad en Septiembre que es cuando estiman recibirlos. Reciba un cordial saludo. SPACIOBIKER
PREGUNTA: Hola tienes este kit em stock ?
RESPUESTA: Estimado Cliente, Le confirmamos que tenemos el kit en stock. Reciba un saludo, SpacioBiker
PREGUNTA: Serviría para una dyna del 2009 wide glyde?
RESPUESTA: Estimado Cliente, Este kit es específico para Twin Cam de los años comprendidos entre 1999 y 2017, por lo que es el válido para su Dyna Wide Glide de 2009. Reciba un saludo, SpacioBiker
PREGUNTA. hola me gustaria de saber se este kit de cambio de aceite es compaible con una harley dyna super glide fxdx 2001 ?
RESPUESTA. Estimado Rodolfo. Le informamos que este kit es compatible con su modelo y año de moto. Esperamos haberle sido de ayuda. Un saludo. Jose
PREGUNTA. Buenas, quisiera saber: si este kit está disponible con filtro de tuerca y en negro. Y si es válido para la Fatboy 2004. Gracias un saludo
RESPUESTA. Estiamdo Nacho. Le informamos que este kit solo esta disponible con filtros standard en cromo o negro, Este kit es valido para modelos Fat Boy 2004. En el siguiente enlace podra ver el filtro de aceite con tuerca y negro.
Esperamos haberle sido de ayuda. Un saludo. Jose