Silent universal baffle with fiberglass. Long. 26.67 cm. Universal installation.
The exhaust system is a cornerstone for the proper operation of any motor vehicle. The care and maintenance of the same extend the life of your bike and will provide road safety. Customize your bike with attention to detail. In the exhaust section of SpacioBiker for custom bikes we offer a wide range packed exhaust tips for custom bikes. Motorcycle exhaust we have in SpacioBiker meet the expectations of the most demanding lovers of motorcycles for its quality, design and price. We tailpipes for Harley Davidson, Yamaha, Honda, Suzuki, Kawasaki and Indian. Authentic motorcycle lovers enjoy their sound and purr by exhaust systems to choose for your bike. Custom motorcycle exhausts of SpacioBiker all the characteristics that requires a good exhaust system: performance, style and sound.
SKU. SPBK- 68727
Silent universal baffle with which you will be able to reduce the sound of your escapes thanks to its retention and the fiberglass that covers it.
Long. 26.67 cm.
Outside diameter: 4.7 cm.
For leaks with an internal diameter of 4.50 Cm.
It includes fiberglass to further attenuate the sound.
Universal baffle silencer easy to install fixed with screws.
The perfect solution for your escapes if they sound too much because riding this silent universal baffle will reduce the sound and you will get back well with your neighbors.
This product is not sold individually. You must select at least 1 quantity for this product.
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Silent universal baffle with which you will be able to reduce the sound of your escapes thanks to its retention and the fiberglass that covers it.
Long. 26.67 cm.
Outside diameter: 4.7 cm.
For leaks with an internal diameter of 4.50 Cm.
It includes fiberglass to further attenuate the sound.
Universal baffle silencer easy to install fixed with screws.
The perfect solution for your escapes if they sound too much because riding this silent universal baffle will reduce the sound and you will get back well with your neighbors.
Silent universal baffle with which you will be able to reduce the sound of your escapes thanks to its retention and the fiberglass that covers it.
Long. 26.67 cm.
Outside diameter: 4.7 cm.
For leaks with an internal diameter of 4.50 Cm.
It includes fiberglass to further attenuate the sound.
Universal baffle silencer easy to install fixed with screws.
The perfect solution for your escapes if they sound too much because riding this silent universal baffle will reduce the sound and you will get back well with your neighbors.
PREGUNTA: Buenas, tengo unos short shots de vince hines y suenan demasiado para mi gusto, podrías recomendar cuál es el silenciador que más apaga el ruido? Entre el universal de 24,3 el de 26,67 o el de vince Que tenéis vosotros, y si los universales sirven para los shortshots
RESPUESTA: Estimado cliente, el especifico siempre retiene mucho mas el sonido que cualquier modelo universal que tendrá que adaptar dependiendo del modelo de escape y diametro. Nosotros le recomendamos que instale el especifico para el modelo de escape que tiene instalado. Reciba un cordial saludo. SPACIOBIKER
PREGUNTA: Un saludo tengo una kawasaki Vn 900 del 2006,Tiene instalado unos escapes cobra Speedster long . Serian valido para estos escapes ,teniendo encuenta que el diametro del tubo es de 61 mm.. pues estos tienen un menor diametro. Un saludo
RESPUESTA: Estimado Enrique. Hemos localizado en nuestra web el baffle especifico para el escape que usted tiene instalado.Puede verlo pinchando AQUI . Esperamos haberle servido de ayuda.Reciba un cordial saludo.Jesus Aguilar.SPACIOBIKER