The open face helmet is the town par excellence. Its design makes this town a perfect ally for short and long distance journeys. The open face helmets are lightweight, comfortable and offer a fairly wide field of vision. They are perfect to go around the city and for use in warmer weather. Among our large collection, you can find open face helmets of all materials, colors, designs and brands. Choose the model that best suits your style or your bike. We have open face helmets with visor for most modern, retro open face helmets for classics bikers, open face helmets with extravagant designs for the most radical riders. Everything you can imagine! In SpacioBiker you can find a very large collection of open face helmets for all tastes and styles. From ridges to the open face helmet to helmet with bold and bright colors as the brand proposes Biltwell INC or Speed and Strength, retro style drawings 70`s as DMD Helmets, helmets jet universal screens adaptable to all models. We offer our clients to screen print designs on approved and non-approved helmets. Check out our model "Old School Flames with skulls background" or "real fire". There is nothing better than feeling the air and speed in the skin of the face. And this feeling will always provide an open face helmet.
SKU. SPBK- 6801
Visera para casco CABERG modelo:
* Breeze
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Visera para casco CABERG modelo:
* Breeze
Visera para casco CABERG modelo:
* Breeze
PREGUNTA: ¿Existe en transparente? (para talla L) Gracias
RESPUESTA: Estimado cliente, lamentamos informarle que esta pantalla no se encuentra disponible. Reciba un cordial saludo. SPACIOBIKER
PREGUNTA: Buenos días. ¿Para el casco caberg breeze hay alguna otra pantalla compatible? Estoy buscando una que sea más larga, para que tape más la cara. Muchas gracias por su atención. Un saludo.
RESPUESTA: Estimado Ruben. Le informamos que solo disponemos de la pantalla original del CASCO CABERG BREEZE. Esperamos haberle sido de ayuda. Un Saludo. Jose